Welcome back to the Serenity Wellness & Coaching community and weekly intention with breathwork! I have been busy planning for some great releases for 2023 and will keep you updated as they become available! As stated in my first Newsletter, I will be sending a weekly “Breath Notes” (my version of love notes) out for all of you each week!
Quality sleep is something I struggled with for many years and when my twins were teething and waking up every hour throughout the night, I began to suffer from Chronic Fatique Syndrome. I was in my early 30’s and I was trained by a holistic nutritionist to ensure that I was eating healthy food and hydrating throughout each day. I was encouraged to take 10-minute naps whenever I could squeeze them to reduce oxidative stress on my body. Although there were no cell phones, Internet of gaming applications available at the time, I was instructed to limit my exposure to TV and to focus on meditation and breathing 30 to 60-minutes before going to bed…all to improve my potential for a good night’s sleep. As my children grew out of that phase I was able to resume to better sleep patterns until menopause kicked in at the early age of 39. Once again, I struggled with quality sleep and became more mindful about my eating and pre-bedtime practices. Thankfully, a diet full of antioxidants and
exercise along with good hydration each day reduced the effects of night-sweats and I was finished with menopause before my 41^st birthday. The most important lessons i learned for better sleep occurred after a traumatic event I experience in July, 2020, I once again struggled with quality sleep and even experienced night terrors. It was at this time that I was introduced to intentional breathwork especially for releasing experiences associated with my PTSD. Embedded within that training came some great methods for sleep that I practice most evenings throughout the week. As a result, my sleep has improved in both quality and quantity! Better sleep has also improved my memory, brain function, emotional well-being, physical performance, stress reduction and overall quality of life as my daily vibrational energy has become raised.
This Sleep Breath practice allows me to settle into sleep quickly and sleep until morning on most nights. This practice increases oxygen levels in the bloodstream and also slows down the heart rate as it taps into your parasympathetic nervous system allowing for rest and digest mode to kick in. This practice requires a short breath hold once you have exhaled to slow things down. You will know intuitively when to inhale. This is good as a daily practice and when you find yourself waking up throughout the night to bring you into a restful state so that you wake up refreshed and to promote overall wellness to your body and organ systems. My wish for you is that you will find this Practice as valuable as I have!
** The Sleep Breath Practice (2-5 minutes)
** 1. Make yourself comfortable in your bed and set your intention for sleep. It may be to sleep deeply or remember your dreams, or to wake up refreshed…whatever calls to you each night.
2. Breath in and out through your nose (belly breaths only).
3. Breathe in for 2 seconds.
4. At the bottom of the exhale, hold your breath for 3-4 seconds and then inhale.
5. Repeat until you fall asleep.
** Journal about your sleep experience in the morning.
CHALLENGE: I invite you to practice this technique each day and evening for 1-week and store this practice in your “Breathwork Tool Kit.”
Thank you for participating in this week’s challenge and remember to just breathe and let peace be your guide!