Tap Into Your Sexual Energy

As I emerge from an amazing Retreat co-facilitated with Steph Levine (MasterPeace Haven) where we combined Qoya and SOMA Breath, my creativity and ease to be in my feminine energy have been raised. Thanks to Tricia McKenna’s amazing Kundalini Yoga opening for my...

Are You Breathing For Longevity?

Have you ever thought about why some days you wake up from a full night’s sleep and do not feel rested at all and on other mornings you feel like you have had the most restful night’s sleep? This could be due in part, if not all related to the way in which you breathe...

Grounding Breath

Monday mornings are a great day to begin the work week with the grounding breath. Monday mornings can bring the phenomena of “listing” as an early morning practice that may not serve you in the best way and detract you from BEing present with your mind, body and...

Breathe For Focus

Ever have days where you are just in need of mental, emotional, and energetic shifts? Maybe you wake up on a Monday making your mental lists in your head for the week ahead or have scattered energy from sitting in traffic or just have a repeated conversation in your...

Celebrate Your Resilience

In 2020 and 2021 we all learned what resilience meant in a time when the global pandemic, with unpredictable shut downs were still real and fresh in our minds. Masks and social distancing…our whole way of life flipped upside down and inside out. Whether it was...

Breathe To Manifest Your Dreams

What is it that you want to bring more of into your life? Is it tranquility, a meaningful love relationship, money, replacement of negative thoughts with positive thoughts, or something else? You have the Power within YOU to do this through the power of your breath!...

Breathe For An Open Heart

As Valentine’s Day is upon us we can focus on self-love this week and/or intimacy with a partner, all with an open heart. Energetically, the heart is considered the seat of compassion, love and wisdom. Directing your attention to the heart, you can influence your...

Breathe To Reduce Negative Energy

If the mind is in a negative thought spiral, then the mind is not the most effective tool to shift that thought pattern; the breath is (Ashley Neese).We all get caught up in a mental loop where we get stuck in negative thoughts and negative talk whether it be about...