“When trauma strikes unexpectedly and your whole world seems to be out of alignment…breathe and let peace be your guide”

What is Breathwork?

In the most basic terms, breathwork refers to any manipulation of breathing for any purpose. Its roots are from our ancient ancestors (Pranayama). Breathwork affords all of us the opportunity to establish a high level of focus and self-awareness, to be present in the moment whenever we choose.

Breathwork practices can be used to:

  • Promote and maintain emotional and physical wellness
  • Achieve spiritual goals
  • Enhance relationship connection
  • Take control over stress
  • Enhance the ability to focus
  • Open creative pathways
  • Grief and trauma release
  • Improve sleep
  • Weight loss and healthy living
  • Train athletes

You can also combine breathwork with meditation, yoga, and visualization to change yourself. It’s useful for dealing with PTSD and brings a sense of calm through regular practice.

What is SOMA Breath?

The Soma Breathwork Practice offers a variety of levels: Daily Dose for beginners, Awakening Journeys for intermediates and SOMADI for advanced participants to reach euphoric states.  These sessions use scientifically proven pranayama techniques, combining intention setting, brainwave music, rhythmic breathing, breath retention, guided meditation, visualization, and positive affirmations.

Somatic Breathwork Healing (SBH) involves a three-part pranayama practice to alter consciousness and achieve heart coherence. This helps release stuck emotions and energies. Rhythmic breathing and breath retention increase oxygen intake and promote cellular oxygenation.

Safety is ensured with proper practice and guidance from Maria, a trained and certified neurosomatic breath therapist. Some precautions apply, such as avoiding forceful breathing or prolonged breath holds in certain medical conditions.

Soma Breath is a shamanic breathwork method aiding self-connection, emotional release, and higher consciousness. It supports physical recovery, creativity, interpersonal growth, and personal transformation.

The Awakening Journey is an intermediate-level therapy addressing inflammation, respiratory issues, and detoxification. It boosts energy, creativity, and sleep quality.

After a session, expect clarity, peace, reduced anxiety, and physical detoxification. Regular practice offers various benefits including reduced oxidative stress, improved heart rate variability, lymphatic drainage, digestive health, and nervous system calming.

SOMADI is a gudied breathwork practice bringing participants to an elevated state of consciousness and euphoria by tapping into our deepest inner pharmacy!

From my own experience, I’ve noticed significant positive effects on both my brain and central nervous system, leading to improved physical and emotional well-being. Through a consistent daily breathwork practice, I’ve effectively managed the impacts of PTSD and anxiety. This practice has enabled me to establish healthy boundaries, cleanse my energy system for positive change, enhance self-expression, and foster interpersonal connections, while facilitating a flow state in my brain. As a result, I’ve found room for self-discovery, forged deeper connections, boosted creativity, improved sleep quality, and achieved a happier and healthier life overall.


To enhance the quality of life and provide a pathway for transformational change for all who embrace the Power of the Breath.


Promoting peace within oneself and globally through the power of breath and cultivating self-compassion and gratitude.


Authenticity, integrity, presence, family, connection, surrender to the uncomfortable, love, peace, gratitude and self-compassion.



Authenticity, integrity, presence, family, connection, surrender to the uncomfortable, love, peace, gratitude, self-compassion, grounding, accountability, playfulness, introspection, and empowerment through self-love, all contributing to the concept of “standing in our truth.


Believe in your magic – embrace inner peace and total wellness through the breath, transformative practices and self-love.