Breathe To Manifest Your Dreams

by | Feb 20, 2023

What is it that you want to bring more of into your life? Is it tranquility, a meaningful love relationship, money, replacement of negative thoughts with positive thoughts, or something else? You have the Power within YOU to do this through the power of your breath! Although there are many manifesting techniques you can do, here is a simple one that you can practice with short breath holds as long as you do not have COPD II or III, are pregnant, or have a pacemaker, severe heart condition or have recently had surgery. If you do have any of these health issues, just hum out loud during the breath hold phases and breath normally between hums OR you can repeat your manifestation intention.

Before the breath practice write down on a piece of paper one thing that you would like to attract into your life and a specific time frame for when you would like this attraction to happen. For example, perhaps you would like to draw more money into your life, you can write I would like to see my income increase by ____ US dollars per month within the next ninety-days. Once you have that written down, jot down 5 things that would make your life more abundant by seeing that increase in your income (your why). For example, I could help my child with school expenses, I could buy new summer clothes, I could take that trip to___ that I have always wanted to take, I could save for a new car, I could make a monthly donation to my favorite charity. Once you have this written out on paper, blow on it and thank yourself for your honesty, then fold the paper into a small square and hold it in one hand during the breath practice.

The Practice:

* Sit in a comfortable position with your back straight.
* Close your eyes and visualize your intention and repeat it out loud.
* Take a long, deep breath in through your nose and release with a tone.

Part 1: Power Breathing – For 30 cycles you will power breathe by taking a deep breath in through your nose and allowing the exhale to go naturally through your nose without forcing it. Emphasize the inhale and raise your hands with palms up to the height of your shoulders on the inhale and then face palms down and bring back to your hips during the exhale. To enhance the experience and awaken your sexual energy, you can also squeeze your pelvic floor (as if you are holding in urine) and then release it on the exhale. Do this for 30 cycles of inhale/exhale.

Part 2: Inhale breath Retention – Take a deep breath in, squeeze the pelvic floor and then release all of the air from your lungs, release the pelvic floor muscle and move your chin to your chest to hold your breath for as long as you can. During this exhale breath hold, visualize your intention by saying the words in your mind and the reasons why.

Part 3: Exhale Breath Retention – Once finished with Part 2, take a deep breath in through your nose and squeeze your pelvic floor muscle and visualize a white light taking your intention up through your spine and through your heart space and then out your 3^rd eye to release it to the universe.

Repeat Parts 1 through 3 one more time.

Once you have finished your second round, sit for a moment and pay attention to how you feel both physically and emotionally. Don’t forget to write down your experience in your Breath Journal and hang your intention in a place where you will see it every day!

Weekly Breath Challenge: Find some time to do this breathwork Practice and hold your manifestation intention in your hand each day this week. Remember to journal your experience each day and if you come across any evidence throughout the days of the week that the reality of your manifestation is coming true, write those observations down.

With love and gratitude …just breathe and let peace be your guide!