Breathe For Focus

by | Mar 13, 2023

Ever have days where you are just in need of mental, emotional, and energetic shifts? Maybe you wake up on a Monday making your mental lists in your head for the week ahead or have scattered energy from sitting in traffic or just have a repeated conversation in your mind that drains you? On days like that or in the evening at the end of a long day, I find that box breathing strengthens my mental focus and power to concentrate, while balancing my energy and nervous system. If you have never done box breathing, it is also called “square breathing” and incorporates short breath holds on both the inhales and exhales.

The Practice:

1. Sit in a comfortable position with legs crossed and back straight or on a chair with your feet firmly grounded.

2. Listen to relaxing meditation music (instrumental) and light a candle or incense to create a calm and relaxing environment.

3. Close your eyes and visualize a place in your mind that brings you peace…perhaps a beach or the forest.

4. Breathe in for a count of four-seconds.

5. Hold your breath for a count of four-seconds.

6. Exhale for a count of four-seconds.

7. Hold your breath for a count of four-seconds.

Repeat this up to 30 times until you feel a shift in your energy level. The slower your count, the more relaxed your body will become. You can take 5- minutes any time of the day and repeat this Practice to bring you back to center!

Reflect and journal how you were feeling before the Practice and how you felt at the end of the Practice.

Weekly Breath Challenge:
I invite you to incorporate this technique at least once each day this week. Try it in the morning before starting your busy day or in the middle of the day if you are having difficulty focusing or relaxing. Remember to journal your experience each day. Notice any changes in your ability to focus, prioritize and to be productive each day.

With love and gratitude …just breathe and let peace be your guide!